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Spinal Cord Injury

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How the Spinal Cord Works

The spinal cord is a thick bundle of nerves that runs through the vertebrae (backbones) in your spine. This nerve bundle is about 18 inches long, starting at the base of your brain and ending at your buttocks.

Multiple Sclerosis


Canada has one of the highest rates of multiple sclerosis (MS) in the world, with an estimated 77,000 Canadians living with the disease. While it is most often diagnosed in young adults aged 20 to 49, younger children and older adults are also diagnosed with the disease.

Brain Injury


The annual incidences of ABI are greater than that of Multiple Sclerosis, spinal cord injury, HIV/AIDS and breast cancer combined

Brain injury can happen to anyone

Parkinson Canada

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Since 1977, the Ontario Retirement Communities Association (ORCA) has been the voice of Ontario's retirement communities and we remain committed to setting a standard of operational excellence in the sector.



Since 1977, the Ontario Retirement Communities Association (ORCA) has been the voice of Ontario's retirement communities and we remain committed to setting a standard of operational excellence in the sector.





Our mission is to create objective and trustworthy information and resources to become a catalyst for equal access to the physical and digital worlds.

After Stroke


Every nine minutes a Canadian will have a stroke. Over 62,000 Canadians have a stroke each year and there are over 400,000 stroke survivors in Canada. Stroke affects not only the survivor, but the entire family, loved ones and friends as they adjust to the ‘new normal’ which may include...

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