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Arlene V.

Dear Debbie

As you know from our phone conversations, our daughter was diagnosed with M.S. back in 1977. The M.S. has pretty much been in remission all this time. In September of 1987 Sharon was involved in a broadside auto accident. She suffered a traumatic brain injury at that time.

In August of 1989 her Dad and I took her home to live with us. She is in a wheelchair and has enough physical limitations that she does require assisted living help. With therapy she did learn to walk with a walker independently. In November of 1995 she fell and shattered her right femur. Since this time Sharon has not been able to walk as her subconscious mind tells her, her leg is not strong enough to support her.

Sharon was getting so rigid that it became difficult to transfer her into and out of the car. In October of 2002 we purchased the Ex N’ Flex EF-250 leg exerciser and the EF-100 arm exerciser. We could see the difference almost immediately. When our rehab doctor saw Sharon, he recommended using the machines along with 2 months of physical therapy. For the first time in eight years she started to walk with the walker again. Sharon set a goal for herself. She wanted to walk into church while the congregation sang her favorite song, “Amazing Grace”. By God’s amazing grace, using the machines regularly and the therapy, on May 4th using the walker and with the help of her brother, she did accomplish her goal. Yes, it is a long center aisle and there was not a dry eye in our Church.

We cannot say enough about the EF-250 and EF-100 and the good results Sharon gets from their use.

Sincerely, Arlene V. Caledonia, MI

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